Reconstruction of "Slyudyanka"

UETM participates in a large-scale project for the technical re-equipment of the Slyudyanka traction substation of the East Siberian Railway.

Three transformers of the ATDTSTN-125000/220/110, TD - 16000/35 and TDTNZH - 40000/110 types were manufactured for the power facility, as well as several units of high-voltage equipment, including a VEB-110 switch and two VEB – 220 circuit breakers.

The Slyudyanka traction substation of the East Siberian Railway is one of the key ones on the Trans-Siberian Railway. It provides electricity supply on a significant segment – the mountain-pass section of the Bolshoy Luga-Slyudyanka.

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Frontovyh brigad, 22
+7 (343) 324-53-00