History of company


Beginning of Construction

In 1932, North of Sverdlovsk in the forest began the construction of a Hardware plant-the first in the plant "Uralelektromashina", briefly - " Elmash».



The pilot production was started. Further construction went in parallel with the development of products. The opening of the first stage as part of two spans of the hardware case took place. A pilot oil circuit breaker VM-32 was assembled and tested


Development of Production and Social Sphere

There was an electric furnace for melting ferrovanadium manufactured. A prototype of a low-volume circuit breaker VMG-22 was created. An evening school for young workers was launched.


Various types of electric furnaces production development

The team is mastering the production of different types of electric furnaces, improving their design. The first electric furnace for heat treatment of pipes made of alloy steel was manufactured.


The construction of the hardware shop was completed.

Serial production of the first low-volume oil switches for voltage 6 and 10 kV (VMG-32 and VMG-122) was established. 173 circuit breakers sold.


The first transformers assembled.

Production of transformers was organized in one of the spans of the hardware shop. In the same year, a consumer goods shop was established.


Development of electric furnace production.

A unique arc steel furnace with a capacity of up to 30 tons, as well as a furnace for melting ferrovanadium and ferrochrome, was made for that time. (Production of electric furnaces lasted until 1942).


The conveyor on Assembly of three-pole disconnectors started

Having started operating in an unfinished building with incomplete equipment, the plant established the production of three-pole disconnectors, took a prominent place in the electrical industry.


The Great Patriotic War and evacuation

In 1941, the plant received a number of evacuated enterprises with specialists and equipment: Leningrad "Electroapparat", Kharkiv Electromechanical, transformative production of Leningrad "electric power", specialists - electrical machine builders arrived a little later. Specialists of the Voronezh plant Komintern helped to create a shop of guards mortars "Katyusha". The production of hand mortars, sapper shovels, anti-tank shells was organized. In the same year, the first tank switches for voltage 110 and 220 kV were produced.


The first batch of "Katyushas"

The plant sent the first batch of Katyusha to the front. In the same year, the production of electric machines, hydro generators, mercury rectifiers was urgently organized.


Order Of The Red Banner Of Labor

For the production of special weapons in March 1943, the team was awarded the order of the Red Banner of Labor. During the war, the plant was released: 1 751 guards mortar "Katyusha", 330 121 shells to them, 1 275 299 45-mm anti-tank shells, as well as sapper shovels and company mortars.


Manufactured electrical machinery and hydro-generator for Alapayevsk HPP

In the same year, the first in the USSR single-deck rectifier for the Ural aluminum plant was manufactured.


Production of transformers for converting equipment and high-speed automatic circuit breakers was arranged

In hundreds of locations-in the cities and villages exempted from fascists-the plant sends devices, disconnectors, drives, electric motors.


Development of production of electric machines

2 hydro generators for Shirokovskaya HPP were manufactured.


Large high-speed synchronous motors

Started the production of large high speed synchronous motors to drive the blowers at steelworks


The first batch of oil circuit breakers MKB-35

The plant produced the first industrial batch of oil tank circuit breakers factory development MKB-35. The case for production of mercury rectifiers was put into operation.


Vertical Induction Electric Motor

Vertical induction electric motor for circulating pumps drive at SRPP was shipped.


New round of development

Serial production of complete Converter equipment with mercury rectifiers for electrified transport was established. Production of transformers and reactors for electric drives of metallurgical plants was mastered. The first powerful vertical synchronous motors for irrigation system and channel drives were produced.


Equipment for HPP and SRPP

Powerful motors for the Volga-don shipping channel and Kuibyshev hydroelectric power station.


Equipment for electric transport

The development of transformers for traction substations of urban electric transport was started.


The first generator for HPP

Manufactured first generator for Kamskaya HPP. At the same time, the construction of the transformer building was completed.


House of Culture

Own factory house of culture was opened. The construction workers themselves took part in the construction.


First household appliances

The first washing machine and the first thousand electric irons for the retail chain were produced.


Transformer Unit

A powerful transformer unit with a switching device for voltage regulation under load was created.


Research Institute for High-Voltage Equipment

The research Institute of high-voltage equipment was established at the plant. At the same time, vertical two-speed asynchronous motors for power plants were started to be manufactured.



An air switch for the world's first power line at 500 kV Volgograd - Moscow, as well as switches BB-500 kV in frost - resistant performance - for the Bratskaya HPP, in the tropical-for the Aswan hydro in Egypt. They are exhibited at international exhibitions in Paris, Lyon, Prague, Rio de Janeiro.


Up-to-date Name

The plant gets a new name "Uralelektrotyazhmash" and becomes one of the leading enterprises of the country's electrical industry. For merits in development of a national economy to it the name of V. I. Lenin is appropriated.


Electric motors of special design

The plant supplied for the country's first nuclear power plant with a fast neutron reactor БН-350 special-design electric motors (for the drive of the main circulation pumps).


Thyristor Excitation Unit

The thyristor excitatory installation became one of the first in the country, mass-produced. In 1968 it was exhibited at the VDNH of the USSR and was awarded a special diploma.


Consumer Goods

In June 1969, the millionth washing machine was produced. In April 1973, made a pilot batch of vacuum cleaners "Ural".


Gold Medal of VDNH USSR

This award was given to the plant for the transformer-rectifier unit for the conversion of three-phase alternating current of industrial frequency into a constant.


Order of Lenin

For the development of the national economy of the country in 1971, the plant team was awarded the order of Lenin. In the same year, "Uralelektrotyazhmash" has become a leading enterprise of the Production Association "Uralelektrotyazhmash».


Gold Medal

At the Leipzig spring fair the circuit breakers of VNV-VNV 500 and -750 were awarded a gold medal.


ВНВ-1150 kV

At the substation Bely Rast two poles of the switch HHV with voltage of 1150 kV were put into trial operation. In the same year, a set of transformer equipment was supplied for the tokamak-10 thermonuclear plant.


New Achievements

From 1973 to 1977 the first 2 poles of high-voltage switch type VNV -1150 for the substation in Moscow region were manufactured. On Lenin Communist subbotnik collected the 1,000 th exciter ТВУ-150. The inter-shop section of machining of details on machines with numerical control began to function. Unified production and technical blocks of electric machines, transformers, converters, high - voltage equipment, welding and procurement and consumer goods were organized. Completed the construction of 207 units for territroy universal - felling mill Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant.



In 1989, the plant was transformed into a Research and Production Association.


New market situation

In the early 1990s, the economic downturn and political instability that the country faced in its transition to the market dealt a devastating blow to industry. The years were difficult, but the plant adapted to the new market situation. from 1991 to 1999, 2 hydro generators with full water cooling of 666 megawatts were delivered to Tajikistan. The complex of unique transformer equipment was delivered to the Federal state unitary enterprise (FSUE) "Rubin" for the high-speed electric train “Sokol”.


The export of hydro-generators

13 special reactors of energy storage for the Super Collider, Texas, USA are developed and manufactured. 8 high-voltage oil transformers were developed and manufactured in Switzerland for the European center for nuclear research. Set of 2 hydro generators for Vietnam.


New foreign supplies

Manufactured for hydro Sweden (HPP "Martial"). Delivered 3 hydro generators to Turkey (HPP " Batman»).


High-Tech Enterprise

In the 21st century the plant entered with reputation of the enterprise of high technologies equipped with the modern equipment. The capabilities of the team increase many times due to the wide introduction of computer technology at all stages – from design and construction of products to enterprise management. Strong technical capacity and highly qualified personnel serve as a strong base for the most complex work, taking into account the ever-changing needs. "Uralelektrotyazhmash" is a participant and prize-winner of many international specialized exhibitions, the owner of international prizes. In the early 2000s, 4 hydro generators were manufactured and delivered to India, 2 hydro generators to Vietnam, the first hydro generator for Colombia in the tropical version.


The winner of the all-Russian competition "The Best Russian company”

Uralelektrotyazhmash produces the first gas-insulated back-up switch with built-in current transformers. In October 2001, the gas-insulated tank switch VEB-110 was awarded a diploma of the 7th international exhibition "Uralenergo-2001" in Ufa. Since 2001, the production of equipment for GT TPS. Reconstruction of the case of the high-voltage equipment is made, production is equipped with the equipment of the leading firms of Germany, Switzerland and Japan providing high quality of production and control. In 2008, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs awarded the enterprise the Diploma "Industry Leader" - as the winner of the all-Russian competition "The Best Russian enterprise”.


New tests of the digital control system

Passed the second test of the digital control system of excitation of the turbine generator for GT TPS under construction.


Mastered the production of automatic control systems

The production of automatic process control systems GT TPS. Adopted gas-insulated switch VSU-500 and put on AMS for SRPP. The first one - phase switch VGK-220 is released. Production of vacuum cleaners "Ural" was stopped due to economic inefficiency of production. The last 64 Wabas for the European centre for nuclear research have been shipped. Mastered the production of gas-insulated current transformer TRG-10. The production of turbogenerators with a capacity of 9 megawatts, with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm, has been completed. Production of turbogenerators of a new series with a capacity of 9 megawatts with a rotation speed of 6000 rpm is started.


Diploma of the international exhibition "Energy equipment of the 21st century" for the development and successful implementation of the latest technologies of equipment in the field of energy

"Uralelektrotyazhmash" was awarded a diploma of the international exhibition "Energy equipment of the 21st century" for the development and successful implementation of the latest technologies of equipment in the field of energy. We started development of a turbo generator rotors for upgraded GT TPS. Released the first domestic gas-insulated circuit breaker, voltage 750 kV. Successfully conducted testing of gas turbine GT-009М on magnetic bearings. For the first time in the world, magnetic bearings were used in a spark on a gas turbine and a turbogenerator. Fabricated frequency Converter for GT TPS 009М.


Gold Medal of the Siberian Industrial Fair

UETM was awarded the gold medal of the international industrial Siberian fair for serial production of transformers for Railways. In the same year, the first domestic two-burst switch on 500 kV VGK-500 was released.


1000 current transformers

Released the 1000th current transformer TRG -110.


The first billion kilowatt hours

The first billion kilowatt hours of electricity at GT TPS have been produced.


New design solutions

Start of pilot operation of the complex of design solutions not previously used at GT TPS.


The Second Unit of GT TPS

The Second Unit of GT TPS is commissioned


Medal "For innovations in the development of electric networks”

"Uralelektrotyazhmash" won the medal "for innovations in the development of electric networks" - for the development and development of production of a series of gas-insulated devices, including combined voltage classes of 110-500 kV.


Present Day

Today Joint-stock company "Uralelektrotyazhmash" is the largest Russian manufacturer of power electrical equipment for generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy. The company offers a full range of services: from design development of equipment to installation at the customer's site. The main consumers of the company's products are the facilities of branches of Federal grid company, IDGC holding, generating companies, divisions of Russian Railways, as well as enterprises of oil and gas, mining, metallurgical, chemical industry, engineering, electric transport, irrigation and water supply systems of cities. The equipment produced at the UETM is now successfully working at the most important energy, industrial and public facilities in Russia and more than fifty foreign countries.



Акционерное Общество "Уралэлектротяжмаш"

Frontovyh brigad, 22
+7 (343) 324-53-00