Awards of the Company

For the production of special weapons in March 1943, the team was awarded the order of the Red Banner of Labor.

During the war years, the plant produced: 1751 guards mortar "Katyusha", 330121 projectile to them, 1275299 45-mm anti-tank shells, as well as sapper shovels and company mortars.

Орден трудового красного знамени

For the development Of the
national economy of the country in 1971, the plant was awarded the second order of the Order of Lenin.

Орден Ленина

At the all-Russian exhibition "Electric networks of Russia-2010", held in Moscow in December 2010. for the development of the switch VGT - UETM®-500 our company was awarded a gold medal with the award of honorary first place. Tests of this switch are planned to be completed in 2012.


At the spring fair in Leipzig, the circuit breaker VNV-500 and VNV -750 were awarded a gold medal and a silver medal.

награда 1973
награда 2007
награда 2007-1


Акционерное Общество "Уралэлектротяжмаш"

Frontovyh brigad, 22
+7 (343) 324-53-00