Chemical Laboratory of UETM passes Certification Procedure

In accordance with Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements,” the chemical laboratory, which is part of the OMLINK Quality Assurance Department of Elmash LLC (UETM), successfully passed the procedure for assessing the state of measurements in the laboratory and confirmed its competence to perform the work in the declared area. 
The examination of documents, the assessment of the state of measurements in the laboratory and the qualifications of workers, the availability of equipment was checked by experts of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise UNIIM.

In the process of preparing for certification, tremendous work was carried out: a manual was written on the quality of the chemical laboratory, since according to the new rules, the laboratory's quality management system was equated to the requirements of accreditation; thanks to the employees of the construction and installation section of the SEiR, the repair of the chemical hall was carried out promptly and as soon as possible. 

The presence of a certified laboratory allows for strict control at all stages of the production process, in time to identify weak points in it and eliminate inconsistencies. A certified laboratory is an element of competitiveness and consumer confidence, as well as the opportunity to participate in tenders.

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