
High Availability Unit БВГ-УЭТМ®-35

  • High availability units BVG-UETM®-35 are designed to receive and distribute electrical energy of three-phase alternating current of industrial frequency 50 Hz in networks with a rated voltage of 35 kV for open (OSG) and closed (CSG) switchgears. Layout of switchgears on the basis of BVG-UETM®-35 and mutual placement of elements take into account the design features of all types of electrical equipment used, as well as the requirements for the possibility of further expansion of switchboard and use at all stages of the construction and operation of substations.
  • BVG-UETM®-35 high availability units are a more compact and mobile alternative to “loose” 35 kV substations with separately installed equipment.
  • BVG-UETM®-35 are designed for outdoor installation at a height of no more than 1000 m above sea level and work in conditions corresponding to the UHL design, placement category 1 according to GOST 15150-90.
  • The blocks are designed for the perception of the maximum climatic loads corresponding to region IV downwind and region III on ice.
  • BVG-UETM®-35 support structure is designed for perception of seismic loads corresponding to the seismicity of the construction site up to 9 points inclusive according to the MSK-64 scale.
  • Certified and recommended for use at Rosseti OJSC sites.

Advantages of using high availability units:


Reduction in terms of installation and commissioning

Achieved by high availability. BVGs are shipped from the factory in finished form and do not require additional assembly.


Ready blocks occupy a relatively small area compared to loose substations

High quality of assembly

High build quality, provided by qualified personnel and modern equipment, eliminates errors during installation at the construction site

Easy to install

The units are delivered with already mounted equipment

Easy to maintain

Due to the rational and optimally compact arrangement of the equipment on the BVG, its maintenance is simplified.

Reduced construction work

Reduced number of concrete products required for the construction of the foundation

Long service life of the metal block

Achieved by hot dip galvanizing of metal structures.


  • BVG-UETM®-35 is a high availability product whose installation supervision, at the request of the customer, can be performed by the manufacturer. Installation of a fully assembled unit at the facility is carried out using soft lines.
  • On request, blocks can be supplied:
    1. Full factory readiness (for transportation by rail);
    2. Delivery of the unit in full factory readiness can be performed, if necessary, with both the ShZTT cabinet and cables from remote current transformers to the cabinet, or without a cabinet and cables (for execution units 05 - 08).
    3. In a partially disassembled form, with dismantled remote current transformers and switches. Dismantled equipment is supplied in its own packaging. In this variant of delivery, disconnectors with preset factory adjustments remain mounted on the metalwork;
    4. Fully disassembled, for subsequent assembly on the site. With this method of delivery, the metal construction of the block is supplied as a set of elements, the assembly of the metal construction is carried out using bolted joints without welding.


Rated operating voltage, kV
The largest operating voltage, kV
Height of placement above sea level, m
До 1000
Creepage distance of bushings (pollution category II according to GOST 9920-89), cm
By special order it is possible to equip with insulation with an increased creepage distance.
Anticorrosive coating for metal structures
Hot galvanized according to GOST 9.307-89
Climatic version
U, UHL acc. to GOST 15150-90
Location category

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