Currently, the plant produces power oil transformers of general purpose with voltage up to 220 kV inclusive, with power up to 125 MVA.
Transformers are intended for power engineering facilities and distribution substations of industrial enterprises.
Transformers can be made in various climatic versions (U, UHL, HL, T) for various categories of placement according to GOST 15150, with increased seismic resistance (up to 9 points on the MSK-64 scale), with mounted or remote cooling systems, as well as on special Customer requirements.
The nomenclature of power oil transformers includes:
- Distribution transformers - designed to distribute electrical energy between consumption points and to reduce the voltage to the level of local distribution networks, including industrial enterprises. There are two-and three-winding, with split windings.
- Generator transformers - designed to transfer power generated at power plants to the high voltage main network.
- Transformers of own needs - designed to meet their own needs of power plants.
- Autotransformers - designed to connect two high-voltage networks of different voltages, to regulate the power flow in the networks and maintain the required voltage levels. As a rule, equipped with a tertiary winding connected in a triangle, which can be used to power their own needs.
- Transformers with increased load capacity (based on the use of a forced cooling system) with power up to 125 MVA inclusive, voltage classes from 6 to 220 kV.
- Transformers for metallurgical enterprises - designed to reduce the voltage of the backbone electrical network 110-220 kV to the level of the network of metallurgical enterprises. These transformers are able to work in conditions of rapidly alternating loads, with frequent trips and switching on.
- Mine transformers - designed to supply coal mines in conditions of high pollution.
- Linear regulating transformers - designed to regulate the voltage in the networks of 6-35 kV, in cases where the required voltage level can not be provided with existing transformers.
- Transformers with non-flammable environmentally friendly liquids Midel.